During the last one week or so, a lot is being written and talked about the last year’s Supreme Court judgement (dated Oct 4, 2016) and its impact on the EPS (Employees Pension Scheme) subscribers and EPS Pensioners.
The Social Media has been abuzz with lot of news items related to ‘higher EPS Pension‘, which have gone viral..
“This man got 1200% hike in his Pension…here is how?“
“Private sector employees can get a higher pension..“
What is this higher EPS Pension news all about? What is the ruling given by the Supreme Court on EPS pension? How to make higher contributions to EPS, to get higher pension during your retirement? What are the eligibility conditions to get higher pension under EPS scheme offered by the EPFO? Should you opt for higher EPS contributions?.. Let’s discuss in this post.
Components of your Employees Provident Fund Account (EPF Account)
If you are a salaried individual and contribute to EPF scheme, kindly take out your monthly pay-slip and check, you can understand that every month 12% of your “salary” is contributed towards EPF account. Your total monthly contribution (Employee’s share) is contributed to Employees’ Provident Fund.
Your employer also contributes 12% of the salary to your EPF a/c. But your employer’s monthly contribution is routed towards various components of PF.
Out of this 12% of your employer’s monthly contribution, 8.33% goes towards EPS (Employees Pension Scheme) and only 3.67% is invested in Employees’ Provident Fund. (Read : ‘How is interest calculated on EPF deposits?‘)
What is the definition of Salary for the purpose of EPF & EPS contributions? – The definition of salary for EPF/EPS is your Basic salary + Dearness Allowance.
So, when we say 12% of your salary that means 12% of your basic + DA gets contributed to EPF.
Similarly, 8.33% of your salary is contributed to EPS. But, the catch here is that there has been a wage ceiling limit for EPS contributions.
Let’s understand this with an example. If your current basic salary is say Rs 30,000. How much do you think would be deposited under EPS? Is it 8.33% of Rs 30,000? – No. Since 2014, the ceiling limit is Rs 15,000. So, 8.33% of Rs 15,000 is only deposited for EPS Pension scheme. So, the maximum contribution to EPS is Rs 1,250 a month (8.33% of Rs 15k).
(Kindly note that anyone who joined the EPF Scheme after 1 September 2014 with a basic salary of over Rs 15,000 per month will not be covered by the EPS. However, this is not applicable in case of ‘change of job’.)
How is EPS Pension calculated?
If you contribute to EPS for a minimum period of 10 years, you will get pension after 50 years (early pension) or after attaining 58 years of age. So, pension is paid out of the accumulated EPS fund.
But, how is your pension calculated? Below is the general EPS Pension calculation formula ;
(Pic courtesy : The Economic Times)
In case, your basic salary at the time of your retirement is say Rs 50,000, even then your pension will be calculated with a wage ceiling limit of Rs 15,000. So, your pension is being capped.
Higher EPS Pension & Supreme Court Judgement order
Under Para 11(3) of Employees’ Pension Scheme 1996 read with Para 26(6) of Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme 1952, it has been allowed that if an employee wants to contribute 8.33% of full salary then he/she can do so towards EPS scheme.
For example : In 1995, if your basic salary was say Rs 10,000 then as per statutory ceiling limit, you can contribute maximum 8.33% of Rs 5,000 (limit as in 1995) towards EPS. But, as per the amendment in 1995, one can apply higher EPS contribution through the employer. In this example, it is 8.33% of Rs 10,000 can be deposited in EPS.
So, no-wage ceiling limit leads to higher contributions to EPS and this enables an employee to receive higher EPS pension. But, very few EPF members were aware of this clause.
A group of employees (R C Gupta, Praveen Kohli and others) made use of this Amendment clause and contributed higher EPS amounts (ie 8.33% of full salary and not based on the ceiling limit). They were then contributing to their exempted EPF trusts.
In 2005, following media reports, several other private EPF fund trustees and employees approached EPFO with the demand to remove ceiling on their EPS contribution and raise it to their total salary. EPFO rejected the demand claiming that the response should have come within six months of the 1996 amendment. Cases were filed against EPFO in various high courts.
By 2016 all except one high court ruled against EPFO stating that the six-month deadline was arbitrary and the employees must be allowed to raise their contributions to pension fund without imposing any cut-off date for eligibility.
(In August 2014, the government however amended the EPS Act of 1995 and deleted the above provision that allowed employees to make a higher contribution and draw pension for the full salary. The same amendment enhanced the ceiling on the salary from Rs 6,500 to Rs 15,000 per month.)
As the EPFO denied the higher Pension for the above said employee group, who approached the court of law in 2005. The Supreme Court gave his final judgement in favor of these employees in Oct 2016. However, the EPFO has implemented this order in Oct 2017 only and paid higher pension to the employees w.e.f Nov 2017.
After the revision of pension by the EPFO, Mr Praveen Kohli’s started receiving Rs 30,500 as pension instead of Rs 2,372.
We need to note that – there is no free lunch in this world. Mr Kohli had to pay Rs 15.37 lakh as the difference between EPS contribution he had made while in service and the contribution he would have made if he was allowed to raise it to his full salary. But he also got Rs 13.23 lakh as arrears for the higher pension that he was entitled to for four years spent in retirement before November 2017.
Based on the above points, let’s see the impact of this judgement under different scenarios ;
- If you have joined in a new job after Sep 2014 and started contributing to EPF Scheme then EPS is not at all applicable to you.
- In case, you have started contributing to EPF/EPS after Sep 2014 with a basic salary of less than Rs 15,000 (current wage limit), EPS is applicable till your basic wage reaches Rs 15k.
- If you have been contributing higher EPS amount (like in the above petitioners’ case) and retired now, but EPFO has denied higher pension, then you have to refund excess EPF withdrawal amount (EPFO would have adjusted higher EPS contribution and paid higher EPF amount) including interest to the EPFO and then can claim higher Pension now. (You have to submit a request to the concerned PF office undertaking to refund excess PF claimed with interest. Your pension amount will then be re-calculated.)
- If you have been contributing to EPF scheme prior to 2014, you can submit an application through your employer to the EPFO that you would like to contribute 8.33% of full salary instead of statutory limit. The higher contributions can be accepted from the date of your application and may not be retrospectively.
- A word of Advice : If you are young (or) have say 10+ of years for your retirement, may be it is prudent to invest in right investment options to build your retirement corpus than to increase your contributions to EPS.
- Kindly do note that ‘Pension income’ is a taxable income. So, instead of investing in EPS, you can look at other alternative investments which are more tax efficient.
- The pension income generated by your EPS is not an inflation-adjusted one. It is a pre-defined and fixed monthly pension amount.
- There has also been news that EPFO will be eventually merged with NPS (this may not happen that easily owing to pressures from the Trade Unions).
- In case, the contribution to the EPS account is increased with retrospective effect to give pension on full salary, a commensurate amount needs to be transferred from the employee’s EPF account to EPS account. Besides this, the interest earned by the money for the period it remained with EPF should also go to EPS.
- In case, you are about to retire in a few years from now and have not built adequate retirement kitty, you may consider opting for higher contributions to EPS.
- If you are a retiree and contributed to EPS as per ceiling limit then it is unlikely that you will be going to get a revised pension. The reason being, you are no longer a part of EPS and there is no employer involved.
The Supreme Court’s judgement will definitely have an impact on the EPFO’s balance sheet. If more EPF subscribers opt for higher pension then the organization can be in for a financial trouble. May be this is the reason why the EPFO has already announced that employees of the Exempted Organizations (where PF is administered by the Private Trusts) can not apply for higher EPS contributions. (Nearly 80 lakh of the estimated 5 crore members of the EPS work in exempt organisations. EPFO may have to face some legal challenges in implementing this rule as well.)
We can also notice that the EPF has already started receiving RTI complaints on this topic, below are few for your reference.
- RTI filed by Parveen Kohli (one of the petitioners).
- An RTI to know details on Exempted Organizations & EPS Contributions.
You may download the EPS pension calculator from this link and check if it is worth to make higher contributions to EPS or not!
(Source : www.freefincal.com)
You can download the Supreme Court Judgement order by clicking on the below image.
Kindly do share your views on the Supreme Court’s ruling on EPS contributions. In case, you find any details in the above article need to corrected/changed, kindly do let us know. Cheers!
Continue reading :
- Lump sum Investment options for Retirees/Senior Citizens | Where to invest my Retiral benefits to get Regular Income?
- EPS Pension Commutation (or) Lump-sum Part-Withdrawal of EPS Pension | Latest Amendment (2019)
- Latest Update (01-Mar-2019) : As per the Supreme Court judgement, employers cannot segregate ‘special allowance’ from basic wages for purpose of PF deductions.
- Cash allowances (dearness allowances) including but not limited to travel allowance, canteen allowance, special allowance, management allowance, conveyance allowance, education allowance, medical allowance, special holidays, night shift incentives and city compensatory allowances to employees are part of ‘basic wages’ for calculation of Provident Fund contributions.
Latest Update (01-April-2019)
As per the latest Supreme Court ruling, the existing EPF members can subscribe to Higher EPS contribution to get higher EPS pension during retirement phase. Even the retired EPF members (I am not very sure about the PF members who retired before 2014) can contact their ex-employers for higher pension. The retirees have to submit a request to the concerned PF office undertaking to refund excess PF claimed with interest. Your pension amount will then be re-calculated.
(References : The Economic Times, EPFO circulars & Freefincal.com) (Post published on 27-Nov-2017)
Dear Sir,
I’m an International Worker who joined a company in India in July 2017. I was not a member of EPF prior to that. My company is putting 8.33 percent of the employer PF contribution into EPS. It is being calculated on my full salary and is not capped at 15000 like it is done for Indian citizens. Therefore the hit is very high.
1. Since I joined after September 1 2014, should I not be excluded from EPS?
2. Can I not exercise an option to NOT have any thing go to EPS? The reason is that I won’t be working in India for the required 10 years so I’ll never be able to qualify for the pension.
Thanks for your counsel.
Dear Andrew,
1 & 2 – An employee can opt out of EPF scheme when he/she is newly joining a employer for the first time. Once it is opened, employee has to contribute to it during his employment (if employers offer this scheme).
You may kindly check with your employer again and can also submit your grievance to the EPFO as well via this link…
I lost my husband in aug 2012 with a total length of service of 16 yrs of service in same orgaisation contribution to the epf on full salary whereas my pension was calculated on 6500 I approached to the grievance authority they didn’t reply me properly and said rule was at that time 6500 and you checkwith your husband employer whether they allowed or not for excess contributon in eps
can I file a case
Dear Renu ji,
Suggest you to kindly check with the EPFO as well before filing a legal petition.
EPFO grievance portal link ..
Dear sir, recently I approached my employer, they are saying still it is not implemented in EPFO, is that true
This I came to know when I requested my employer to forward my eps on actuals
Dear Sriram,
There is lot of confusion and no clarity on this issue. I have read in news that EPFO is approaching the court again on this matter.
You may submit your grievance to the EPFO via this link ..
Hi Sreekanth, Can you please send me the link where I can raise the grievance as my employer has recently sent me a note saying:
Form Rejection Reason : Claim Rejected by RPFC Pune
Is it something still not getting implemented by EPFO and RPFC?
Still EPFO and RPFC are not clear if they are implementing the supreme court order?
Any Idea when the RPFC will allow to opt for higher EPS option for employees who have been contributing to EPS as members before the 2014
as specified by you: have been contributing to EPF scheme prior to 2014
• If you have been contributing to EPF scheme prior to 2014, you can submit an application through your employer to the EPFO that you would like to contribute 8.33% of full salary instead of statutory limit. The higher contributions can be accepted from the date of your application and may not be retrospectively.
Dear Sriram ji,
Here is the EPFO grievance portal link..
Yes, as mentioned in my comment, there is no clarity on this issue..
I have resigned before SEP 2014 .now I am claiming for EPS withdrawal. How much wage will be considered either 6500 or 15000 as my basic is 13000 when I resigned i. e before SEP 2014
Dear Saravanan ji,
Are you making full EPS withdrawal? or applying for EPS pension?
May I know your total service period?
Full EPS withdrawal 4 years
Dear Saravanan,
You can withdraw full EPS balance after 60 days from date of leaving your Service.
Kindly go through this link on components of EPF account..
Dear sir ,
My doubt is whether 6500 or 15000 basic wage will be considered.
Dear Saravanan .. the maximum in your case would be Rs 15,000.
Dear Mr JHA,
You can try submitting an application for higher Pension to the EPFO through your employer..
Related article : EPS Pension Commutation (or) Lump-sum Part-Withdrawal of EPS Pension | Latest Amendment
On dated 31 Jan 2018, I have been superannuated but pension claim has not been made so far. During my association as EPF member, my contribution under EPF and MP Act 1952 was on the basis of maximum ceiling of basic salary of Rs. 15000/- per month (Rs. 1250/- per month). Since I were intended to avail pension on my full wages (after ignoring ceiling deduction for pension @ Rs.15000/-month) in line with direction given by Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP no. 33032-33033 of 2015 (R.C.Gupta and other V/S Regional Provident Fund Commissioner ), and subsequent guideline no. ACC/HQ/Pension/Distribution of Work issued by Addl. Central P.F. Commissioner (Pension) dated. 8th June 2018, therefore I had submitted my request letter with Form 3A (from two companies). My employer had forwarded my request with recommendation to Regional Provident Commissioner Pune, for considering my request of Pension on higher wage, under guidance given by above said verdict of Supreme Court of India and departmental guideline vide letter dt.11th Mar.2019.
In response, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Pune has informed to my employer that my pension request on higher wages cannot be considered, as the employee has superannuated after 01.09.2014.
Hon’ble Supreme Court has upheld the decision of Kerala High Court in W.P. (C) no.13120/2015 (P. Shashi Kumar v/s Union of India & Others, where notification regarding eligibility date i.e. 1st Sep.2014 has been quashed. Whether said verdict is applicable for Provident Fund Organization? If so, how we can be debar to avail benefits of Pension on higher wages on ground of superannuation after 01.09.2014.
Please advise the next course of action.
Dear Arup ji,
There is no much clarity on this issue!
I have read that EPFO has not been accepting the ‘higher pension’ requests and planning to approach the Court again.
dear sir,
at present iam in private service now I have 7 years service to retirement, now aim getting 50000 monthly salary after my retirement iam eligible higher pension og not
Dear ramreddy ji,
You can apply for higher pension through your employer to the EPFO.
Kindly check this with your employer..
Dear Sir,
I am regular reader of your article.This is really good article about EPS scheme.I have few questions regarding EPS scheme—-
1. As per my understanding,court just increased the contribution amount of employee.How will be the distribution pattern after this judgement towards EPS & EPF and is it mandatory for employer to increase the share amount in proportion to his employee. It will be great help if you illustrate with example.How it will affect on PF corpus amount from employee point of view?
2.What will happen to EPS pension corpus amount if employee die in between? or if he is getting pension for some years after that his nominee will get half of that pension then after that ,Will the remaining portion is given to legal heir of that employee or it kept towards EPFO office?
3.Wheather employee is getting interest on EPS contribution amount? If not,then will it not be a detrimental to employee if he increases the contribution to EPS.
Dear Sagar ji,
1 – It is not mandatory to increase the contribution to the EPS corpus. It is optional thing given to the employees.
2 – Pensioner receives a pension for life long and upon his death will go to spouse/nominee and/or two children below 25 years of age.
3 – No interest is payable on EPS corpus.
Related articles :
* Nominee Vs Legal Heir : Who will inherit (or) own your Assets? | Importance of WILL
* EPF a/c interest calculation : Components & illustration (Employees’ Provident Fund)
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the reply.Still I am having some doubt,it will be great help if you take some time to clear it—-
1.)It is optional for employees but what about employer contribution after court decision that made employees to increase their contribution to EPS.Is it mandatory or optional for employer to increase contribution by same percentage as that of employee?
2.)Pension goes to nominee/spouse after death of pensioner but what happen after the death of that nominee/spouse. I read somewhere that,the corpus amount will not get back to any one after the death of pensioner and nominee/spouse.As in NPS corpus amount is returned to legal heir/next nominee mentioned.
Once again thank you for your reply.
Dear Sagar ji,
1 – Kindly note that 12% of your “salary” is contributed towards EPF account. Your total monthly contribution is routed towards Employees’ Provident Fund only.
Your employer also contributes 12% of the salary to your EPF a/c. But your employer’s monthly contribution is routed towards various components of PF.
Out of this 12% of your employer’s monthly contribution, 8.33% goes towards EPS (Employees Pension Scheme) and only 3.67% is invested in Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). So, you contribute 12% of your basic salary and your employer contributes 3.6% of your basic salary towards EPF deposits.
As of now the statutory limit is 8.33% of basic salary ie Rs 15,000 goes to EPS. As per the Supreme court order 8.33% of actual salary can be used for calculation purposes.
2 – Yes, I too believe that there is no return of corpus in EPS case.
April 6, 2019
Dear Sreekanth Ji,
I would like to thank you for your service in helping people increase their financial knowledge.I have the below queries.
I have been contributing to EPF scheme from 1982 to MNC owned PF trust & took retirement in 2014 & have not withdrawn pension as well as PF till date.My current age is 58 +.
1. Can I request my past employer to increase my EPS contribution?
2. What is the amount of pension I can receive after retirement as per this process?
Thanking you in anticipation.
Dear SATISH ji,
Suggest you to kindly contact your ex-employer on this.
You may be eligible for higher pension. The retirees have to submit a request to the concerned PF office undertaking (through employer) to refund excess PF claimed with interest. Your pension amount will then be re-calculated.
Recent Supreme court ruling on Employees provident fund Pension requires some clarification. First of all ,all amendments done by EPFO in 1996 and 2014 are nullified by the Supreme court. Some articles seen in various newspapers, say average calculation of pension is based on 60 months total salary or 12 months total salary (EPF gross) ie salary means Basic+ conveyance allowance , of course HRA exempted. In my case purely based on Basic , epf is calculated . I wish to know what is the basis for average salary as per the court ruling.
Dear Mr Nair,
Now, the actual contribution or Rs 15000 whichever is lower will be the base for pension calculation and for the period prior to Sept, 2014, the average of pension qualifying salary for 5 years will also be taken.
Related link : Pension Fund Of EPFO After The Supreme Court Verdict.
The EPFO has recently released two ciruclars. I am unable to interpret them. If possible, kindly go through them and share your views;
* Circular – 1
* Circular – 2
Dear Sir,
My father retired on 28/07/2005 and worked 40 years and as per EPF PPO passbook his joining in EPF 1995 scheme is shown as 16-11-1995 and now he is getting Pension Ra. 1294/- per month and his wages on 15-11-1995 is Rs. 2707/- and wages on date of exit Rs.6481/-,, I want know benefit if increase of pension or other benefits as orders of Supreme Court.
Dear Atul..I believe that he may not be eligible for higher pension..
“If you are a retiree and contributed to EPS as per ceiling limit then it is unlikely that you will be going to get a revised pension. The reason being, you are no longer a part of EPS and there is no employer involved.”
Dear sir
my father retired since 2010 but i cant no my establishment is exempted company.My father company name was Orient paper mill amlai branch pls help regard
Dear Mannu,
You can suggest your father to contact ex-employer and submit withdrawal claim request.
I am 29 yrs old and joined epf in 2011. As per my understanding of your blog, i am eligible for enhanced contributions>1250 (basic > 6 lpa).
I have one question.
Since monthly pension calculation formula is only considering contribution for last year (or last 5 years ~ read in some other blog) before retirement, does it make sense to increase contribution right away? Wont it be economically better if we ask for increased eps contribution to employer sometime before retirement.
Dear Ravi,
Who knows what could be the rules by then??
My office people said EPFO is declining this for many employees citing there was a timeline of 1 year for those who were already giving enhanced contributions before 2014-15. So, in my case they are not going to allow enhanced contribution
Iam EPF Member since 2005 and contribution is made based on actual salary since 2007 but eps contribution is made on cieling amount only.
Is iam elgible to contribute higher eps amount now based on actual salary so as to get higher pension after retirement.
Establishment is not under exempted pf trust .
Dear Sreenivasa,
If you have been contributing to EPF scheme prior to 2014, you can submit an application through your employer to the EPFO that you would like to contribute 8.33% of full salary instead of statutory limit. The higher contributions can be accepted from the date of your application and may not be retrospectively.
Kindly contact/check with your Employer.
You may kindly share your experience here, can be useful to all the blog readers. Thank you!
Hi Sreekanth,
I am working in MNC for past 7 years and contributing to EPF & EPS (8.33) on actual salary above the ceiling limit. This enhanced contribution was a mandatory requirement as I have returned to India for good after acquiring US citizen and hold OCI card (overseas citizen of India). I am treated as International Worker from epfo. My question is will I get more monthly pension on retirement, cos my EPS corpus is very big compared to my colleagues and I am worried whether I will loose out in the end because of strange laws…if allowed I would rather quit now and pull out the EPS corpus amount and invest in NPS or something….please advice…Thanks
Dear Venu ji,
Kindly check with your employer, if you are eligible for higher pension..
Have you retired or still contributing to EPF scheme?
Hi Sreekanth, Thanks for the quick reply. I have 10 more years to reach full retirement age. btw I have quit and looking for a next job…after I quit, the company also legally closed after approaching NCLT. Now I am confused whether to withdraw, take scheme cert OR transfer PF to the new company in future when I land in new job?
Dear Venu,
If you are planning to take up a new job, and if that company offers EPF scheme then suggest you to transfer the funds from old EPF account to new EPF ac.
Dear Sreekanth,
I am retired school teacher from a private school and getting epfo pension under scheme 95 just Rs.1439/-pm wef 2013. Is my pension can be enhanced if minimum pension increased? What are the chances?
Dear Chittra .. I believe that you may not be eligible to receive higher EPS pension….
Dear sir, I joined private college as lecturer in 1980. Served for 30 years and retired in 2010. I contributed to PF for almost 29 years. After retirement, my pension was fixed at ₹ 1583. Am I eligible for higher pension. Is the Management of the college legally bound to contribute on the basis of higher wage. If it denies to contribute its portion on basis of higher wages, what to do?
Dear Shivsharan sir,
As you are a retired person and if have contributed as per minimum threshold limit to the EPF scheme then you may not be eligible for higher pension.
Dear Rajender ji,
Agree with your views.
Suggest you to kindly approach your employer. In case, no support from employer & EPFO, you may let them know that you may approach the concerned Labor court in this scenario..
I have joined pvt company in 1983 and taken VRS in the year 2004, at the time of VRS i was 44 years of age and getting around Rs 6500/ month salary .After 50 years of age pension fixed of Rs 964/ month till date. Please tell me i am eligible for higher EPFO pension.
Dear NAGARAJ ji..You may not be eligible for higher EPS pension. You may contact the EPFO.
My service is from 19/06/1985 to 30/06/2018…and a member of epf can I apply for higher pension scheme….as my eps is capped all this years
Dear Vinay ji,
I believe, you may not be eligible for higher pension..
Kindly go through the points given in the above article..
Dear Sreekanth,
I had applied for PF withdrawal. The application status is indicated as “Rejected” and the reason is as below.
Please can you help me with the message and kind of document they are requiring me to submit.
“Claim-Form-19 (EPF Final Settlement)(Resign) Claim id-TNMAS180600012790 Member id-TNMAS00524660000000947 has been rejected due to :- MEMBER WAGES IS HIGHER EPS CONTRIBUTION MERGED WTH EPS CONT HENCE YOU ARE REQUESTED YO SUBMIT DOCUM/OK”
Thank you,
Dear Murali,
Even I am not sure.. You may kindly contact your ex-employer (or) submit your grievance to the EPFO online for more information on this ..click here..
In case, you receive a resolution to this issue, kindly share the info here, can be useful to all of us! Thank you!
I am eligible for higher Pension as per as SC orders. But my ex employer is not ready to sign my application. Is there any solution. EPF is already may be having my all details of pension etc. Please advice me in this matter.Regards
Dear Rajeev ji,
You may let them know that you may approach the concerned Labor court in this scenario..
Dear Sirs,
I am employee of M/s Godrej, an exempted organization retired in May 2016. My company has checked with EPFO Mumbai. They have informed that members of exempted organization are not eligible for higher pension.
Sir kindly clarify as to whether we are eligible and if so what action we need to take.
Dear Prabhakar sir,
The EPFO has already announced that employees of the Exempted Organizations (where PF is administered by the Private Trusts) can not apply for higher EPS contributions.
You may have to consult a lawyer who practices Labor law and check if you can take legal route..
In my case for enhanced pension, the following conditions are met. 1. The establishment should not be an exempted establishment. Mine was an unexempted establishment. 2. Contributions should have been made on actual salary. Contributions were on actual salary in excess of ceiling amount. 3. Superannuation should have happened before 214. In my case it happened in 2011. But 1) I have applied only for the enhanced pension only. 2) Employer-establishment is not cooperating due to more than one M&A. What are my chances on merits?
Dear Ramamoorthi ji,
May I know, what is M&A??
Sorry. It was my fault. Merger and acquisitions.
Dear Ramamoorthi ji,
Based on the information provided, you may be eligible for higher pension.
Suggest you to check with the EPFO directly.
In case, both of them (your ex-employer & EPFO) do not provide support, you may have to approach the Labor court.
Thank you very much.
Dear Shrikant Garu,
I was superannuated from service of NCCF, H.O. New Delhi, an uexempted category of establishment on 31.03.2008. My pension (Rs. 1860/- at present) is regulated by EPFO, Bandra, Mumbai.. I have contributed PF on higher wages in excess of Rs.6500/- which was admitted by EPFO from 16.11.1995 to 31.03.2008. I have already submitted my option/declaration with regard to payment of contribution with interest to NCCF and also to EPFO, Dwarka, New Delhi to which it is attached.
My employer – NCCF is not cooperating to forward Form 3A to Dwarka office, resulting delay of more than a year.
Now since EPFO has issued fresh circular dated 08.06.2018 to their regional offices to work out pension by utilizing 10 D module – software. Could you please guide me as to whether the local R.O. can work out contribution and arrears and Revised pension amount without getting instruction from my Employer and Dwarka office?
M. Dhanraj, General Manager (Retired), At Mumbai
Dear Moses Ji,
Suggest you to contact the EPFO regional office directly.
You may also submit your grievance to the EPFO..click here..
In case, your employer is not supportive, you may approach the Labor court as the last resort.
Since you may be having data, you may prepare 3A form and get it signed by the employer, so that you can satisfy the document requirements of EPFO….
Dear Ram ji,
What is 3A form?
Dear Srikant,
I am working in L&T since 2007. My EPF is maintained by L&T EPF Trust where as EPS is with EPFO. Can I apply for enhanced pension. Regards, Ashok Kumar
Dear Ashok,
If you have been contributing to EPF scheme prior to 2014, you can submit an application through your employer to the EPFO that you would like to contribute 8.33% of full salary instead of statutory limit. The higher contributions can be accepted from the date of your application and may not be retrospectively.
Sir, I am a REGULAR employee of District Rural Development Agency(DRDA) autonomous body of Rural Development Department since 1st June, 2002. Now my salary basic pay is Rs.28000/month(Officiating pay +GP) . Total Amount is Rs. 55000/-per month
I am under EPS since 1/06/2004 will be retired on Jan,2037
As per my EPS pass book upto December’2017;-
1.Employees share.Rs. 605663/-
2. Employer Share Rs. 425792/-
3. Pension contribution Rs. 107010
No any withdrawn till now.
I want to know that may I opt for Higher Pension or not?
my contact no. 094360806**
Dear Sreejesh,
If you have been contributing to EPF scheme prior to 2014, you can submit an application through your employer to the EPFO that you would like to contribute 8.33% of full salary instead of statutory limit. The higher contributions can be accepted from the date of your application and may not be retrospectively.
Kindly contact your employer.
Dear Sreekanth, I am a retired teacher in a private college. Under EPs 95 , the managent and myself have contributed statutory minimum amount to epfo.I retired on 31.7. 2010 and getting monthly pension of ₹1593/- only. Can I get enhanced pension if I and management contribute to epfo difference amount (12%) retrospectively?
Dear Sir,
I believe you may not be eligible for higher pension.
However, you may re-check this with your ex-employer or with the EPFO.