Latest Post Office Small Saving Schemes Interest rates FY 2018-19 | Jan to Mar 2019

  • Nikhil Akulwar says:

    Sreekanth sir,
    I have technically resigned a state government job after serving 11 years and joined railways. It was the matter of 2014. Railways are denying the service continuity for which still I’m fighting.
    May I withdraw my GPF amount which is still not transferred to railways from state government department due to service continuity reasons?
    Kindly help and suggest a way.

    • Sreekanth Reddy says:

      Dear Nikhil,
      I do not have the required information.
      I have read that Railways may offer NPS instead of GPF going forward..

  • srinivasrao says:

    Hi sreekanth, can you help me regarding the following issue on PPF account: As on 1st April PPF account balance is 1,48,857.00 and on 3rd Jan-2018 I have credited 32,500.00 in PPF account. For the F.Y. 2017-18, I got 10,706.00 as interest. But, as per my knowledge, the accumulated interest seems to be incorrect. Can you please give your views.

  • soundhu says:

    how to get maximum benefits from post office by investing????

  • Ashok R Chikka says:

    Hello sir,

    I am looking a for morgatge loan on my house papers which is paagdi house so can I get loan on that Property. If yes in which bank can I get loan ? &what rate of interest ?

  • vaishali says:

    My jijaji tried to open joint account under the names 1st holder my younger sister(jiju wife) , 2nd holder elder sister & third holder my brother(who is mentally disabled) but after insisting by me he added my name as 4th account holder under mode of operation as ‘Anyone or survior’. after opening he tranfers huge amt. chq. bearing my brother name. recently my brother recd. these chq. from sale of land from fathers property. my father was expired before 2yrs & my husband also expire in last yr. now jiju said me don’t show any transaction on my behalf. i am paying the hospital bills of my brother & younger sister give a chq. of that amt. from joint account. cheque book is in the hands of my younger sister. i want to know that what are my rights in this account. may i demand cheque book from bank for my brothers hosp. bills. Is there another norms for this joint account. many times i visited bank i request for transaction alert messages and bank ragister for the same but still i dont receive the messages. now what should i do? if my brother dies then who claim the balance money from the account as my brother suffering from illness. i insist jiju to make fd under my brothers name but he ignore me that fd can be made in the name of 1st a/c holder & tax also paid by 1st account holder. bank also giving the same statement. can we close the joint account by transfering amt. in my brothers bank account. please give your opinion.

    • Dear vaishali,
      May I know the type of property that has been sold? Was it an ancestral property or self-acquired property by your father?
      Kindly read : What is an Ancestral property?
      Whose name has been mentioned as nominee for the said bank account?

      Kindly note that nominee is again just a Care-taker of these investments. He/she has to receive the asset/money from the concerned bank or financial institution and transfer/distribute that to Legal owners. All legal heirs have rights on these investments.

      As the cheque that has been credited was in your brother’s name, I believe that your Jijaji may not get a claim on this amount, if you go legally.

      Kindly save the bills paid by you/sister as documentary proof that you have been taking care of your brother, for future reference (if any)..

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