Kempegowda Layout – Allotment (2015) of Residential sites by BDA – Details & Eligibility Conditions

Kempegowda Layout is the new layout being developed by BDA (Bangalore Development Authority). BDA has issued final notification inviting applications for Allotment of residential sites in Kempegowda Layout.

After years of delay, nearly 5,000 residential sites in Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Layout will be available for the general public. It is estimated that these 5,000 sites on over 300 acres covers only the first phase of the allotment.  The sites which are being allotted in the first phase are located between Mysuru Road and Yeshwantpur, along NICE Road.

You may kindly go through my new article : Latest BDA Plots E-auction June 2020 | Details & Online Procedure

The overall plan is to develop 4,043 acres. Of these, 2,100 acres are presently in BDA’s possession where 20,000 residential sites in total will be developed and allotted in future.

As mentioned above, these 5,000 sites are being developed under the first phase. Under the second phase, around 5,000 more sites will be developed. Under the third phase, apartments will be constructed in Kempegowda Layout.

BDA aims to create 10,000 flats. Under the fourth phase, commercial spaces including offices, shopping malls and commercial spaces may be created.

BDA is giving around 60-day period to apply for these sites. The sites would be of the dimensions 20×30 sqft, 30×40 sqft, 40×60 sqft and 50×80 sqft.

Latest update (Posted on 03-01-2017) : BDA has issued the latest Notification (2018) regarding allotment of Sites in KG Layout. For more details on this new notification..Kindly visit this link.

The comments for the below blog post have been disabled. You may comment/post your queries in the latest article.

Kempegowda Layout by BDA : Details, Terms & Conditions
Kempegowda Layout BDA sites allotment

  • Application forms are available from 02-Nov-2015.
  • Last date to submit application forms is 31-Dec-2015.
  • Where can I get Application form? – They are available with authorized bank branches of Canara Bank, Corporation Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, State Bank of Mysore and Punjab & Sind Bank. These branches are located in Bangalore and also across Karnataka state.
  • Details of total number of available sites, dimensions, site value, registration fee and Initial deposit are as below; (1 metre = 3.28 feet & 1 Sq meter = 10.76 sq feet)Kempegowda Layout BDA sites prices initial deposit rates pic
  • Nearly, one thousand 20 * 30 sites(600 square feet) are reserved for Economic Weaker sections of the society. These sites are available at subsidized rates.
  • Nearly two thousand 30*40 sq ft sites, one thousand 40*60 sq ft sites and around five hundred 50×80 sq ft sites are available for allotment.
  • The per square feet rate is fixed at Rs 1,800  for 20X30 site. For EWS category, this is fixed at Rs 900 per sq ft.
  • The per square feet rate is fixed at Rs 2,000  for 30X40 site, which is Rs 24 Lakh.
  • The per square feet rate is fixed at Rs 2,200  for 40X60 site, which is Rs 48 Lakh .
  • The per square feet rate is fixed at Rs 2,500  for 50X80 site, which is Rs 98 Lakh. (This is only the allotment rate. Stamp duty and registration fee will also be applicable) 
  • Only 50% of the total sites (ie 2,500 sites) are available for General category. The remaining 50% of the sites are reserved for various categories like SC / ST / BC / Govt employees / Persons with disability etc.,

What is the procedure to apply for a site in BDA Kempegowda Layout?

  • Visit the authorized bank and pay applicable ‘registration fee’ (ranges between Rs 500 to Rs 5,000 based on the site dimension). The bank will issue a Registration card. You can then obtain the Application form at the bank (application fee is Rs 400 for general category & Rs 200 for others).
  • Draw a DD in favor of BDA, Bangalore for the requisite Initial deposit amount (as indicated in the above table).
  • Persons whose income is less than Rs 1 Lakh per annum are considered under EWS category.
  • The person applying for allotment of sites should be a domicile in Karnataka for not less than 15 years prior to the date of site registration. Age of the applicant should be atleast 18 years.
  • If you or any of your family member (spouse or dependent family member) has already been allotted any BDA / Govt site then you are not eligible to apply for allotment of site in Kempegowda BDA Layout.
  • The Initial deposit paid by you do not carry any interest. However, it will be adjusted against the total site value of successful applicants. (Unsuccessful applicants will get it refunded)

Download BDA’s notification – Application for Allotment of sites @ Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Layout, Bangalore (in Kannada / English).

  • The last date for submission of filled in application with initial deposit and registration fee is 31.12.2015.

Should you apply for BDA site in Kempegowda (KG) Layout? – My Opinion

  • BDA reserves the right to allot sites. Kindly note that this is not a BDA e-Auction. The allotment is based on various factors like seniority, number of previous attempts (number of times an applicant has tried to obtain a BDA site), no of years domiciled in Karnataka etc., So, the basis of allotment is purely subjective. I do not think even lucky draw is conducted. So, looks like the allotment may or may not happen in a transparent way. This is my personal opinion.
  • As per my knowledge, the average market price in and around Kemepegowda Layout is between Rs 2,000 to Rs 2,500 per sq feet. The BDA sites have also been priced in the same way. It’s been a long time since BDA has come up with new Layout in Bengaluru. So, the demand for these BDA plots can be high. So, let’s monitor the demand for these BDA residential sites.
  • Check if there are any conditions applicable on ‘Re-sale’ of sites after the allotment is done. Generally, BDA does not allow immediate re-sale of its sites. So, check with BDA about this condition.
  • Getting a Home Loan sanctioned for a BDA site can be easy (subject to your eligibility).

Kindly keep the above points in mind before applying for a site in Kempegowda Layout.

Latest News (28-Oct-2016) :

BDA has announced the Final list of Allottees. Kindly click on the below image to download the list of allottees for 20X30, 30X40, 40X60 & 50X80 sites. Cut-Off details have also been made available online.


Latest News (28-Oct-2016) : As per BDA’s website the deposit amount will be refunded to the non-allottees from 2nd Nov, 2016 in a phased manner. The refund note document is in Kannada as below. (click on the image to open the document)bda-kempegowda-layout-application-amount-deposit-refund-datebda-kempegowda-layout-application-amount-deposit-refund-date-2016

Latest News : Click here to know more about the BDA’s latest e-Auction Notification details : BDA e-Auction November 2019 (last date for e-auction is 3-12-2019).

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  • Naveen says:

    Could anyone tell me how is Block 5, Sector L? and guide me how to go to the location, thanks.

  • Vital says:

    Any idea when will be the BDA site allotment results announced?


  • Girish says:


    Any whatsup Group created by Allottees. if yes, please include my number 9980861449


  • Ramu says:

    When is registration going to start, it has been two months since the payment. BDA told a letter will be sent, has anyone received the letter for registration?

    • Geetha says:

      Recently been to BDA. I was told 10% of the allotees have already registered the sites in Nada prabhu Kempegowda layout

  • DivyaShree says:


    I had applied for the site and it was not allotted but i have not yet received the money to my account.
    My name is mentioned in the list still i have not received the money. what has to be done?

  • Teju says:

    how about buying site in other BDA layouts such as Visveswaraiah layout etc. where it is developed by paying little more than buying in Kempegowda layout as more development is needed and also lock in period of 10 years is there in new layouts

    Any suggestions? I am confused to buy site in kempewgowda layout. I am not sure if its worth to invest so much which is locked for 10 years and not sure if area gets developed in future.

    • Bharath says:

      KG Layout will have Ring road connecting to West Of Chord Road in the North… Namma metro Depot and station in the south.. Direct connectivity to Nagarbhavi in the east and Bidadi connectivity in the west.. 300ft road with 5 commercial complexes.. All these prospects are to be there in future and prices are very low as of now.. which might raise high once these developments are in place.. later its ur choice.. Let me know if you are interested!!!

    • Ravi says:

      Can anyone let me know when second phase allotment will happen .

      • dreamer says:

        If it was possible, then by this time the notification would have come. Since next year election is there, govt could have started the process. But ground reality is that BDA has not formed the plots required for second phase. They have to complete first phase, then allot alternate sites to arkavathy allottees who are waiting for more than 10 years.

        So in all probabilities the second phase initiation cannot happen in next 2 years.

  • Ratheesh says:

    After making full payment whats the next process. Do BDA send any letter to your home for Registration?

    • Girish says:

      Once it is approved from Accounts department, they will send letter to home for registration.

      • Sridhar says:

        I have paid full amount on 6th Feb’2107 , still waiting for the letter from BDA for registration.

        Any update please.

  • Ramesh Naik says:

    Hello Sir, I could not get the BDA site through allotment. I want to directly approach farmers or real estate agents who wants to sell the BDA sites in KG Layout. Any pointers how to proceed on this?

  • KRaj says:

    Why BDA have not put up on their web the extension of 60 days time to make payment.

    • Girish says:

      The extension of 60 days is from 24th Feb to 24th of Apr, 2017. So the last date is 24th of Apr, 2017 without interest. Thereafter, Interest will be levied.

      • Allottee says:

        I have made the payment and submitted the documents last month but have still not received an intimation on the next steps. Has BDA started giving the Lease cum Sale deed to allottees yet or will they start after 24 Apr 2017 ?

        • Girish says:

          As per the case worker, once the cheque is transferred to BDA account, they will send a letter for registration.

          • Ravi says:

            Hi , did any body get the letter for registration yet? I was told it will take a month from date of final payment but not heard anything yet.

          • Girish says:

            Even I am waiting for the same….

      • savitha says:


        The last instalment was paid during the month of April. BDA as informed my mother to pay 20% interest. They had given only 90 days to do the full payment. Was the 60 days extension fake news?


  • Arun says:

    Hi All,

    Some of Physically challenged personals from association filled writ petition for 50% discount,Judge asked BDA to consider request and asked allotees not to make payment until next judgement….

    Physically challenged allottes please make use of this

  • Amit P Nahar says:

    While making payment, did anyone deduct TDS or managed to get PAN number of BDA?

  • Prashanth K Jain says:


    Pls let me know when is the last date to make the full payment. And also the process for making the payment.

  • AMS says:

    300 allottes return sites in Nadaprabhu Kemegowda layout, including layout association president and secretary.

    • Arun says:

      Good news….2 culprit out of association…They never worked on issues and concerns as they said in meetings…One old man still want power doing nothing and middle aged guy wanted power to build his political career…because of these 2 guys association split happened…now all are initiating things which might safeguard their interest like press statements,media,meeting commissioner and all…

  • Allottee says:

    Registration process started?? Anyone recieved any communication regarding this?? I have paid full amount.

    • Charu says:

      Association President and secretary surrendered site

      • Allottee says:

        Why? Any problems?? Then what about people like me who have paid the amount??

        • Arun says:

          Good news….2 culprit out of association…They never worked on issues and concerns as they said in meetings…One old man still want power doing nothing and middle aged guy wanted power to build his political career…because of these 2 guys association split happened…now all are initiating things which might safeguard their interest like press statements,media,meeting commissioner and all…

  • Ratheesh says:

    Any Site Purchased above 50 lakhs we need to pay TDS as far as i read online. But the BDA allotment letter for 60*40 mentions the 100% site value to be paid to BDA.
    Is TDS paid from our own money after paying 100% site value to Seller. Does Anyone know BDA Seller PAN number to which we need to pay TDS?
    I am getting very different information when i speak to BDA officials regarding TDS Payment.

    • Allottee says:

      Hi Ratheesh,

      Refer URL – It will help you understand what needs to be done.
      You should submit the TDS Certificate obtained to BDA to let them know that you have paid the 1% of site value as TDS amount in addition to the bank challan obtained from bank for paying the remaining 99% site value. This is recommended.

      Or else you have the option of 100% of site value to BDA. But you will not get TDS certificate. You will have to shell another 1% at time of registration as the Registrar will ask for the TDS certificate as well. You can then claim back the 1% of the amount you paid to BDA, but this will entail you visiting BDA offices several times for getting the payment.

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  • Desai says:

    Hi All,

    One more update from me on so called association.

    1) Plan A( Representation to be given to all) Only they given representation to BDA Chairman and commissioner,They not followed proper hierarchy like ruling part,chief secretory and others. 2 months extension is given due to demonitization effect but they claim its because of them…if its so what authority given clarification on development and other request? Half done and they are not ready to meet new commisioner and others based on new situation.

    2) They provoked for writ stating Plan B but now they step back,So those who are ready for writ now formed new group.So plan B flop

    3) Plan C,they sent letter to all allottes but only few joined association….Plan C is flop…

    4) Plan D was to give request letter by individual of member but no response from authority so this is also flop…

    5) Plan E,they are asking physically challenged persons to file writ,they are getting opposition from committee members in groups…so its almost flop….

    Not well planned association and nothing is going good inside committee,founder members quitting groups one by one…one of the worst association without any motto and ethics…

    • Varun says:

      Plan F to Plan Z are yet to come. Lets see what they will do. Anyway we have already fallen in.

    • Radha says:

      Where is official communication for 2 months extension?We not seen any add by BDA on extension. When we call PRO section they say it went for approval? Any confirmation on this?

  • akshata Kulkarni says:

    HI Guys,

    I have not got my refund Yet and I don’t see my name in the list. Have they completed there refunds? I am not sure of what to do next.

    • Guru says:

      Hi madam,

      As per them they refunded to all who applied and not got site,evevn they started RTGS for surrendered allottess, If you still not got refunded please visit BDA office immediately check why your refund not happened,give official letter to sort the issue.

  • Ratheesh says:

    The Alloted Site Number is changed for me in 12*18 mtrs measurement. BDA has sent me a intimation letter for the same. Has anyone received similar letter. Not sure about new location of site. Its like we don’t have any other option but to take the site. Why are they changing alloted site number and with no consent from Allotee. Atleast they should give options for the allotee to choose from as its BDA mistake.

    • Vidya says:

      Sir, have you made the full payment? Visit the new location and if you are not satisfied, go personally to BDA and check with them and get back the original one.

      • Ratheesh says:

        Yes i have made full payment. Thanks for your suggestion. Will try to do it. Any idea how do we get Location Map (Showing all Site locations)?

        • Vidya says:

          I think it will be with association members. Or else go to vijayNagar BDA office near water tank. There you have a separate section for npkgl. The engg department is there. They have all the maps. All the best. It is astonishing to note changing number after you have paid. Which block had you got originally and now which one?

        • Guru says:


          92 members got re-allotted due to initial site was re-allotted to farmers,Which block is it 9th or 2nd block? majority re-allotment happened in 2nd and 9th block…both is in kenchanapura and kannahali

          • Ratheesh says:

            Its block 3.

          • Guru says:

            Block is between Sulikere and Ramsandra, 5Km from mysore road,its right to Tavarekere road…1.5 km from ramsandra village

          • Ratheesh says:

            Hi Guru,
            Is it a good location?

          • Guru says:

            Yes…its good location…plain land….1-1.5 km from Ramsandra village…5 km from mysore road….its very near to KNS unatti and Avin international school..Proposed road during state budget will pass thoorugh 3rd block so connectivity wise it will be good…..You can visit BDA Vijayanagar office for map and other details or call site incharge Jagdish 9036228685

          • Ratheesh says:

            Thanks for the info Guru

          • Brs says:

            Mr Guru please
            Share some insights on Block
            ie location development accessibility. .etc.Thanks

          • Guru says:

            Those who got plot/site in 5th block are the luckiest….its just 1-1.5 km from mysore road and its ready for construction & stay because we can find many private layouts with houses,evevn villages has large population,BDA flat is in 5th F sector,proposed BDA complex will be in 6th block just opposite to 5th block….proposed metro dipo is near 5th Block H sector so development its good compare to other blocks of nadaprabhu kempegowda layout….others block like 6th(not yet formed,BDA complex is in layoutplan) 7th(Many acres of land reserved for vertical growth like flats,many commercial plots are there 4th(Padmashree college )n 3rd blocks(proposed Poornimma devi tech park sulikere is adjacent to 3rd block) is n are very near to mysore road and metro so in future these blocks growth will be high as per view…..2nd block all sectors are in and around lake,8th,9th n 1st are almost 10 km from mysore road but 3-4 km from magdi road…so far nothing much plans are there in and around these blocks

    • Amit P Nahar says:

      Even our site got changed, i am told that villagers from whom lands were taken by BDA were allotted same site numbers. Therefore, without any intimation, General public site has been changed, as BDA cannot change their site. We have been allotted site in Block 8, tried to visit the site, however, no signage, no plot numbers, no map, nothing. Just could not identify the site. Any one here knows, how and where is Block No 8. Further, am told, record number of people have surrendered their BDA sites for the 1st time on this occasion. How much are they deducting as retention? Any idea?

      • Guru says:


        As far as i know Block 8th is on Tavarekere road….after crossing 3rd block you will find block 8th…its under developed area….they started forming plots now….For surrendering our attempts and amount paid for registartion card will go…they will return intial deposit without any deduction….You can contact site engineer Ashwath 9916945929 or AE Revanna 9739957477 for further details…

        • Amit P Nahar says:

          Dear Guru,

          Thanks a lot for your response, could you please share your views on the location, is it good bad or average? It looked like a plain land near the road with an easy access, however will be worth staying invested? Was actually unable to guage and got really confused. What could be the possible/probable appreciation say 3 years / 5 years from now?

          • Guru says:


            Land is ok but still not seen much development compare to other blocks…Its 10 years lease cum sale so dont expect any appreciation within 4-5 years…even it appreciate u cant sell

          • Amit P Nahar says:

            Initially we were allotted Block 3 and then they later changed it to Block 8, comparatively which one was better? Wanted to understand if it is better to surrender or retain considering long term prospects. Thanks a ton for the response, really appreciate

          • Allottee says:

            Curious to know how you got to know that you were initially allotted in Block 3 and later given in Block 8 ?

          • Amit P Nahar says:

            Online website site allotment Block 3, allotment letter Block 8, any idea which one is / was better in terms of prospect?

  • Arun says:

    Hi All,

    New BDA commissioner taken in-charge why so called NPKGL welfare association not planning to visit BDA and meet new chairman with requestions? They are not doing anything to safeguard members…they not doing any productive work….even in groups they formed same been asked but no one is responding,association is waste and the committee members are doing things which benefit them….collecting money,roaming behind politician to build their political career taking welfare name,fighting with misunderstanding,not listening members advice….NPKGL association president Balakrishna openly said he is old and he cant go every where,then why cant he step down and hand over responsibility to others??? Secretary Hiremath of association proposed court plan 2-3 months ago and he said official requestion will not work only court case can give justice to all but now he step back stating association will not associate on legal matter…then why he initially proposed this and provoked members….one of the worst associatin sofar seen…i dont know who elected them as committee members….

    • Nagaraj says:

      Rightly said. All are interested in Personal Agenda. Nobody is bothered about members.

      • Sanjeev says:

        I think in few days association will be closed because no one interested to do work which will benefit all,President Balakrishna wants authority,everything in his hand without working and secretary Hiremath wants to make his career in political party so he is roaming behind Suresh Kumar without doing anything for members….

  • AllotteeBL5 says:

    Can anyone please share pin code details for Block 5 Sector E? Is there a way to get this information in the internet

    • rama says:

      when BDA is going send the notification for phase 2 of Kempegowda layout
      I see a seniority list has been published in the web site of BDA which is a welcome move and shows that people ae active and BDA has to be honest in their actions here on

    • Allottee says:


      Refer Bangalore Pin Code Area Map
      You can click at the approximate area where B5 SE lies and portal will show you the PIN CODE.

      Hope it helps.

  • AllotteeBLK5 says:

    Can anyone please share Pin code details for Block 5 Sector E. Is there a way to get that information?

    • Allottee says:

      Click on the area where Block5-SectorE lies in the map.
      It will show you the Pin-Code of the area you clicked.
      If you want to close the pin-code pop-up, please press Esc key.

      Hope it helps.

  • Arun says:

    Hi All,

    The association formed by some of allottes in no more wellfare association and its moving in different direction. I been many meetings done by association and seen/observed its not moving towards to achieve welfare of allottes instead it becoming shelter to take political beneficiary for some…..

    They have plan A,B…..everything is half done. Now they are forcing individual to move to court to get some benefit.If this is the case why association is required….core-team who initiated formation is no longer with association like surya,who played key role for forming association,President(Balakrishna),VP(Karunakara Shetty) and secretary(Hiremath) is not trying to bring him back even so many requested to bring him back to association,They are behaving like association is their property. No chance will be given to members of association to raise question in meeting,they not allow to bring our issues,concern and points and they even dont care if we have new idea,They just ask us to do what they have planned that’s it.

    Santhosh put effort to gather RERA and he met advocates on this. He also told some NGO’s to be involved to force government to implement RERA but surprisingly no one is caring his efforts. Even observed there is no co-ordination between committee members…

    Association is no more useful for any of allottes as per my experience. One of the worst association seen so far,they collecting money money and they are not doing anything for the benefits of all allotts………..

    In my advice please dont join association because the people running association is not doing any productive work or which might help allottess,when core-members himself left association means something fishy….better to keep away from people like these. Anyways we are buying BDA property and they will provision amenities for sure,association cant do anything here, everything will be given to all blocks sectors…as per my experience till now with association its waste of time….

    • Rajesh says:

      True….Evevn i felt the same…some of them are using association to build their political base….no use for common people like us…

  • ALLOTTEE says:

    BDA is disappointed by cancellation of Steel Bridge project !!!
    Cash Cow for BDA is no more.
    Now their only source of making money is NKG Layout.
    So we allottees should be BEWARE OF BDA.

  • krpu says:


    Is there a whatsapp group for site allotees?. Is it useful to be in whtsapp? If so, How can I be added in the group?

    Thank You

  • Allottee says:

    Has anybody found out (through RTI or any other sources) about how many people have surrendered their allotments to BDA? This helps the allottees to bargain better with the BDA. I recently read a news stating that BDA is in financial crunch. So there are all possibilities that they will yield to our demands.

  • Ray says:

    Dear All,

    Today, BDA Board Meeting is scheduled at 11:30 AM., The Agenda is Arakavathy Allottees Issues and Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Layout Allottees concerns. As you all are aware, our “Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Layout Allottees Welfare Association” has given representation after Agitation in front of BDA on 24th Jan 2017. We have ask 5 Specific Points, for which BDA will have to Answer today after the Meeting. We have asked for Extension on Payment due date from 60 days deadline to addition 4 months. So Total 6 months interest free Payment. This will also be discussed.

    • jgvasista says:

      Dear Ray

      Any idea on the outcome to today’s BDA Board Meeting? Im sure everybody will be waiting to know the outcome on the points that the Association has raised. Kindly update us if there’s something to.

      • Sajan says:

        We got extension of 60 days to make the payment. Just got the news from a reliable source.

        • jgvasista says:

          Oh really! Thanks for the update.

          • SuryaK says:

            Hi All,

            is there any official communication regarding extension to make the payment towards to BDA, if yes can you please share the link?

            I have now checked in the BDA website but no mention of that,


          • jgvasista says:

            In today’s Times of India it has been stated in the front and 3rd page. Pl. refer that.

          • SuryaK says:

            Thank you for the info , its confirmed now officially, cool

          • SuryaK says:

            Hi Friends,

            Is there ant steps/process of BDA site registration for persons who is availing loans from bank.

            Can some one put the steps in detail about how do we go about the registration.


          • Allottee says:


            You may be interested in step 3 onwards. My understanding of the steps involved are

            1. Pay (Site Value – Initial Deposit) in BDA Challan to Canara Bank counter in BDA Complex, if Site Value < 50 lakhs or Pay (Site Value – Initial Deposit – 1% of Site Value) in BDA Challan to Canara Bank counter in BDA Complex. Payment can be paid through DD or Bankers Cheque, payable to BDA Commissioner, Bangalore. I'm informed that we need to take 6 copies of the allotment letter when we go to make payment.

            2. Bank will stamp the challan receipt after payment.

            3. Go to DS-n with the pink slip (you have obtained while submitting affidavits) and the bank stamped challan and ask DS date and time for registration. Ask DS-n officer details of payment you need to make to the Sub-Registrar for registration.

            4. If Site Value is greater than 50 lakhs, you need to pay 1% of site value as TDS in Income Tax site. You will need to show the payment receipt at time of registration.

            5. Obtain DD for Registration as per information provided by Sub-Registrar.

            6. Go to Sub-Registrar for registering the Sale/Lease deed. Take DD and other documents as per information provided by DS-n officer.

            7. Once the deed is registered, you will need to provide this to the bank from where you received the loan as mortgage.

            Note – This is based on information collected. I have not yet paid or registered. You should validate with the DS-1/DS-2/DS-3/DS-4 officer in BDA office.

            Someone who has already registered may clarify if some step is missing or wrongly mentioned.

          • Ratheesh says:

            Any Site Purchased above 50 lakhs we need to pay TDS as far as i read online. But the allotment letter mentions the 100% site value to be paid to BDA.
            Is TDS paid from our own money after paying 100% site value to Seller. Is there a Seller PAN number to which we need to pay TDS?
            I am getting very different information when i speak to BDA officials.

    • SuryaK says:

      Good news, Allottees get two more months to pay for BDA site registration..

      Times of India article url :

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