Most of us might have applied for PAN card few years back and there might be change in our communication address.
To check the address that is linked to your PAN card, visit Income Tax website . You should have login Id to access the info.
And click on “ My Account” option and then click “ Update Phone & Email.”
Income Tax department uses this address for communicating with the Tax payer for Tax refunds etc/., Hence it is important to maintain your communication address up-to-date.
Guidelines for filling PAN Change request :
How to update pan address in income tax efiling site?
299 amount as given
The 1st step successful
And the second step and the paying money that is also successful
The third step sticking photo and signing on the application form that is not filled
Last month I have applied for PAN card,22 days have passed but still i didn’t get the PAN card so what should i do..??
And how could I check my communication address which i mentioned in the 49A form, to just being sure that my communication address is registered properly or not.
Dear Gyanendra,
Kindly track your PAN card application status @ click here..
how can i track the communication address on my pan card
Dear umesh ..You can login to IT E-Filing portal, click on ‘Profile Settings’ and then select ‘My Profile’ option.
The address that is linked to your PAN is displayed under the option ‘PAN Details’. Kindly note that this non-editable online and the IT dept sends notices (if any) to this address only.
thanks for sharing this guide and its really help for me
Dear Sree
I am having PAN card registered with wrong name and address
Is it possible that I can change my name and address in PAN Card ?
Your guidance is highly appreciated
Dear Rohit,
Yes it is possible but you need to submit the relevant documents as proofs so that your request will be accepted and processed.Kindly click here to know more details..