Please suggest based on my required scenerio

Q & A ForumCategory: Financial PlanningPlease suggest based on my required scenerio
pix_piyush asked 4 years ago
(Sorry for writing such long but I wanted to explain in detail to avoid misunderstanding and to get the clear answer) Hello I am currently of 34 Years old male working in a Private company. I am ready to payout Rs 2000 to 3000 at the Max every month to make a very big corpus for Retirement. I am ready to pay this amount until my age of 65 that is for next 31 years from now. I will payout this amount as if I forget this amount and also if the market goes up or down I don’t mind. Because I wanted to take the highest possible risk in order to gain the highest at the time of withdrawal. I will withdraw only after 30 years from now and that too when the market goes high or medium. Else I will not withdraw and I will wait for some months to years until market becomes medium or high. Can anyone please suggest what should be my approach? I am thinking to go for a Small Cap Fund. Because, when it goes down more than other funds/market, I can buy maximum units. Since the small cap funds are more volatile compared to other funds, I will have more no of chances to buy maximum units when the fund goes down. In order to get the best benefit of the Power of Compounding, I wanted to invest all of my 2K to 3K in just one Fund. Is this correct approach. What should be done when the AUM of that fund increases or goes beyond its threshold? Also Can anyone tell me if Index funds (NIFTY 50 or NIFTY NEXT 50) are suitable in this case? Or Can I select 1 Small Cap Fund and 1 INDEX Fund? Or How about investing into direct stocks? How many stocks I should have? Mutual Fund or Index Funds better that stocks in my scenario? Please note: The Amount that I am going to invest will be completely disposable amount wherein I am going to forget it until its withdrawal and I am going to consider that I am earning 2K to 3K less in my salary. Hence do not suggest me any Debt fund or any other instruments to balance the risk. I wanted to take the highest possible risk throughout. Can anyone suggest what approach I can use so that I can invest every month? Face highest ups/downs and withdraw only during medium/high probably after 30yrs from now.
2 Answers
Sreekanth Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, You have quoted -  'a very big corpus for Retirement.'  May I know if you have done some rough calculation about your (expected) Retirement corpus??   Related article : Retirement Planning in 3 Easy steps
pix_piyush replied 4 years ago

My Target is to build the Corpus between 1.5 Crores and 2 Crores

sharad answered 4 years ago
should go for mutual fund -large cap & flexi cap
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