Technology and Pharma mutual funds

Q & A ForumCategory: Mutual FundsTechnology and Pharma mutual funds
Mohana Krishnan K asked 4 years ago
Please advise whether investing in Technology and Pharma sector mutual funds @ 17 %  of total investments (SIP) in each for these sectors is a high risk investment decision, considering the duration of investments for a period of 5 to 7 years .
1 Answers
Sreekanth Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi, Yes, it falls under a 'high risk' strategy!
Mohankongorpilly replied 4 years ago

Can you suggest a percentage exposure for Pharma and Technology funds which is average risky considering the duration of investments for a period of 5 to 7 years .?

Sreekanth Staff replied 4 years ago

Allocation depends on your financial profile and goals. You may consult a fee-only financial planner..

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