Legal info about purchase of old house and constuction of new house

Q & A ForumCategory: Real EstateLegal info about purchase of old house and constuction of new house
vijaykumar asked 6 years ago
I trying to purchase a old house 2 floor 1800 sft  built-up  on 30x45 site. It is BDA site allotted to X  through LCSA in 1981 and cancel in 1985 BDA allot same to  Y in 1985 though LCSA for 1985 followed by conditional Sale deed for 10 years. Building sanction taken in 1985 and build with in 2 year.  In 2000 applied for  Absolute sale deed. But BDA  just provide a Notice reply saying To treat  Conditional sale deed as absolute sale deed. In 2001  Mr X sold to  P In 2009 Mr P sold to Q in 2015 Mr Q sold to R In 2019  I am planning to purchase Katha was issued by BDA later BBMP to all the owners. Property tax has been paid regularly. EC shows the all the transaction My question is :   Is  Notice issued by BDA is valid endorsement for Absolute sale deed.  and my current registration is legally correct. Can I  demolish the old building and construct  new duplex house. What is procedure to get demolish and new construction. Thanks in advance vijaya kumar GS
1 Answers
Sreekanth Staff answered 6 years ago
Dear Vijaya Kumar, Based on the above information, I believe that its fine to consider buying this property. (unless I see the document 'BDA Notice', its not fair on my part to give suggestion with 100% confidence). You need to apply for 'building demolition' to BBMP and then also apply for 'new building sanction plan'. Suggest you to consult a civil lawyer and authorized Architect/Civil engineer.  
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