1 - I meant, you may consider a term plan with basic cover without attaching any rider and take separate PA plan. As most of the term plans do not offer Permanent disability risk cover in their Accident riders.
MF Portfolio:
Canara fund though it is a small cap oriented fund, it has just around 27% allocation to small cap stocks. In case, you would like to have a fund with higher allocation to small cap stocks, you may consider Franklin Smaller companies fund.
Mirae, SBI bluechip , DSP & Franklin tax shield funds are good ones.
If you look at portfolio allocation of Franklin tax shield as of now, it has higher allocation to Large cap stocks. So, if you are planning to trim down your portfolio, you may invest additional sums in Franklin ELSS and ignore SBI bluechip fund. But do note that a Fund's portfolio allocation may change in future depending on market conditions and/or fund's investment strategy.
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Best ELSS Tax saving funds for FY 2017-18
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MF portfolio overlap analysis tools
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